A Great few days in Rome

My few days in Rome with the Women’s Ordination Movements were both enjoyable and stimulating. I met a great many interesting people. The three young women who are in the leadership of WOW, Miriam, Kate and Erin, are so full of energy, committment and courage. It is good to know them.
Below is how the event was covered by the National Catholic Reporter:

Advocates for the ordination of women to the Roman Catholic priesthood marked the 20th anniversary of the founding of their movement in Rome with a three-day conference that culminated today with a pilgrim’s walk down the Via della Conciliazione to St.

Ordination of Women to the Priesthood

On Wednesday next I am taking part in a round table discussion on the ordination of women in Rome. This is organised by Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW). It is not, as you can guess, taking place in the Vatican!!
But I am glad to be there. Over the past few years I have become more and more convinced that the full equality of women is the most fundamental problem in the Catholic Church.

Editorial in the National Catholic Reporter

Editorial: Time to reform doctrinal investigations

NCR Editorial Staff | May. 6, 2016


Charles Curran, Roger Haight, Margaret Farley. What some of this country’s most prominent theologians share in common, sadly, is a history of investigation and censure by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. And it’s not just an American problem. Consider Switzerland’s Hans Küng, Brazil’s Leonardo Boff or Sri Lanka’s Tissa Balasuriya.

Now some theologians and two bishops are calling for Pope Francis’ spirit of openness and transparency to be extended to Catholic theologians under investigation by the doctrinal office.

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