A Critique of Catholic Church Judicial Procedures

In this article Ladislas Orsy, the most distinguished living Canon Lawyer in the Church, does a critique of Church procedures. They fail on all the basic aspects of justice.


Are Church Investigation Procedures Really just?


Ladislas Orsy SJ, visiting professor of philosophy of law and canon law at Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington DC, is a graduate in law of Oxford and holds a doctorate in canon law from the Gregorian University, Rome.]

Some thoughts on the Upcoming Election

I am writing this a few days before the General Election. I grew up in a very politically aware household, and all through my life I have taken a great interest in matters political. I believe that as a democracy we have been blessed with a fair degree of stability for the past one hundred years since the foundation of the state.

This current election campaign is probably the strangest, most unexpected, and at the same time enormously interesting, of all the elections I have lived through in my seventy plus years.

The story of Lavinia Byrne and the CDF

An American religious sister, Lavinia Byrne, published a book in 1994 entitled ‘Women at the Altar: the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church’. In the book she stated the following:

The ordination of  women to the priesthood is the logical conclusion of all the recent work  of Catholic theology about women and in particular about the holiness  of all the baptised.  It is not an aberration from what the Church  teaches, but rather a fulfillment of it so that not to ordain women would now be to compromise the Catholicity of the church.

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