Open Air Mass

Open Air Mass

I know that screened Masses have served a purpose during the pandemic, but I, and I think others, have had questions about the long-term efficacy of these type of non-participary Masses. A few weeks ago I tweeted a suggestion that maybe people should consider open air Masses, and, to get over the problem of safely receiving the Eucharist, that people could bring their own piece of bread for consecration.

An Update

I am well aware that I have been neglecting this blog now for some time.  The reason for that was that I was busily working away on my book. Just a few days ago all ten chapters went off to the editor, for her to check over them. I have been working on this book, on and off, for a few years, so it was a nice feeling to press the ‘send’ button, and hear the swish as they all went off.

Streamed Masses: A good or a bad idea

Streamed, or televised Masses have become a feature of this time of virus. I am suggesting in this article, published in this week’s Connaught Tribune, that maybe it is a step backwards:

All the indications are that this virus will be with us for some considerable time, and that we have got to learn to live with it. From a Church point of view there is no indication that we will be able to gather for religious services any time soon.

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