The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP)and Lay Catholic Group (LCG)
8 March 2023
Restore Fr Tony Flannery to Ministry
Eleven years ago the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) instructed the Redemptorist authorities to remove Fr Tony Flannery indefinitely from his priestly ministry. Tony Flannery was effectively tried, judged and sentenced in his absence. That verdict continues to this day.
The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) and the Lay Catholic Group (LCG) believe that a grave injustice has been perpetrated against Tony Flannery in that he has been denied standard prerequisites of a just and fair procedure.
Recalling the stand taken by the Benedictine Sisters in relation to the Vatican order to silence Joan Chittister.
Background Note:
Sr. Joan Chittister had been invited to be one of the main speakers at the international Conference in Dublin of Women’s Ordination Worldwide, 29-31 June 2001. However, the Vatican Congregation for Religious began to exert pressure on her Superior General to prevent her from taking part in this important event. Here is the Superior’s reply.
Joan Chittister of the Benedictine Order in Erie, Pennsylvania, and honoured worldwide for her contributions to Spirituality and Theology, was officially warned by the Vatican not to attend this conference on the ordination of women.