Now that the Synod has ended there is great debate among the commentators as to who were the victors and who the losers, — while the official line is that type of talk is all wrong, that it is suited to the world of politics, not of meetings of Church leaders. I’m afraid it would take a lot of convincing to get some of us to believe that there is no politics among Church leaders.
The Final Days of the Synod are Drawing In.
The Synod in Rome is well in to its final week. I am disappointed with the very limited coverage being given to the event by the Irish media in general. For ‘anoraks’ like myself there are numerous websites which give a blow by blow of everything that is happening. But for the average Irish person, I suspect there is very little awareness that anything at all is going on.
And that is a pity.
Talk in Milltown Park next Monday, 12th
A reminder that Tony Flannery will be the speaker at our meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 12th of October 2015 in the Jesuit Conference Centre, Milltown, Ranelagh, Dublin 4.
He will be sharing his views about the Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW) Conference in Philadelphia (18-20 September 2015) at which he was a speaker.
Please note that Tony Flannery has launched an urgent appeal looking for a group of priests, still active in ministry, who would be willing to put their names to a statement calling for open discussion on the equality of women, including all aspects of ministry.