Women: Potential for Ministry

The Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI) will host a meeting entitled: WOMEN: POTENTIAL FOR MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH.
The speakers are Ms. Maire Ni Dhuibhir and Fr. Tony Flannery.
Date: Thursday 31st March 2016. Time 7.30 p.m.
Venue: Clayton Hotel, Galway.
All are welcome. Contact: 086 8197894

There are Funerals and Funerals!

As I drove to a funeral today, I was thinking of what I had heard and read about the problems around gangland funerals, about ostentatious displays of paramilitarism or excessive wealth. The funeral I was going to was that of Tadgh McDonnell, the husband of Kathleen, the woman who led the resistance to male-only deacons in the diocese of Killaloe. I had come to know Kathleen during that time, and she is by any standards an extraordinary person.

Speaking commitments in April

I continue to get invitations to speak to various groups on Church reform and my assessment of Pope Francis.
As of now I have the following in March;
1. Tuesday 8th: 11.00am: PROBUS meeting at the South Court Hotel in Limerick.

2. Wednesday, 30th: 10.30am PROBUS meeting at the Strand Hotel, Limerick

3. Thursday 31st: 7.30pm: Open Meeting: Women, Potential for Ministry in the Church. Maire Ni Dhuibhir and myself. (More details later)

In late April I will be speaking at the Bealtaine Festival in Dingle.

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