
Intolerance in the Public Square

I am pleased to hear voices beginning to be raised, the latest Eamon Martin, questioning the nature of some of the current debates in Ireland, and what voices are no longer acceptable in the ‘public square’. I have been quite repulsed over the recent past at some of the intolerance towards certain groups in our society, and this intolerance being presented as ‘liberal’ and ‘forward thinking’.

I fully accepts the principle that a National Maternity Hospital must be in full compliance with the laws of the land, and that no particular group or religious affiliation can dictate what is or is not permissable therein.

What awaits us in the Next Life?

I received an email recently, asking me could I give any idea of wha awaits us in the next life. This was my effort at an answer:

You do ask difficult question!! And I am afraid nobody has a definite answer to that one. No one has come back to tell us what the next life is like.
Many people have told me over the years that when someone very close to them dies, and after a period of grief and loneliness, they gradually get a sense that the person is close to them.

Following on from the Ray Darcy Show

Judging by the reaction I have been getting over the past two days, my interview on Ray Darcy’s show seems to have communicated with people and made a lot of sense to some. Between emails, texts and tweets, the communications I have got must number well over one hundred. And all of them, with the exception of one that blamed me for killing babies, have been positive. It leaves me with a problem of trying to respond to them, which I hope to do in due course.

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