

Here are the dates, times and venues for the main public gatherings of my speaking tour of the U.S., from October 21st to November 19th. Other gatherings of a more specific nature have been arranged, but they would appear to be for particular groups.

22nd Oct: Washington: Augustana Lutheran Church:
23rd Oct: Baltimore: Faith Presbyterian Church.
24th Oct: Philadelphia: Science and Technology Center:
25th Oct: New York: Judson Memorial Church, 55, Washington Sq.

Response of the LCWR to the CDF

Leaders of the largest organization representing women religious in the United States issued a statement Monday that they will continue the dialogue with church officials demanding reform, but they will also protect the integrity of their group.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is made up of leaders from religious communities across the nation and represents about 80 percent of the women religious in the U.S. The group held its annual four-day assembly in Nashville, Tenn.,

Naming the Truth; the LCWR Conference

The LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious) held their annual gathering this week. They have been under investigation by the CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) for over three years now, and the issue has come to a head, in that from now on they are being ordered to accept the jurisdiction of Archbishop Sartain over important decisions about how they conduct their business. How they respond to this will have major implications for the future of women religious worldwide.

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