Editorial in the National Catholic Reporter

Editorial: Time to reform doctrinal investigations

NCR Editorial Staff | May. 6, 2016


Charles Curran, Roger Haight, Margaret Farley. What some of this country’s most prominent theologians share in common, sadly, is a history of investigation and censure by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. And it’s not just an American problem. Consider Switzerland’s Hans Küng, Brazil’s Leonardo Boff or Sri Lanka’s Tissa Balasuriya.

Now some theologians and two bishops are calling for Pope Francis’ spirit of openness and transparency to be extended to Catholic theologians under investigation by the doctrinal office.

From America Magazine

In Ireland, a ‘Silenced’ Priest Speaks

Rhona Tarrant | May 10 2016

If you were to choose a venue for a public talk with Father Tony Flannery, a Redemptorist priest, the old, disused courthouse in the town of Dingle, County Kerry is as apt as any. Flannery sits at a table by the witness stand to speak about 100 years of the church in Ireland during the Feile no Bealthaine, an annual weekend festival held in the town.

Working for Church Reform, at home and abroad.

Church Reform: National and International

For the past six years I have been actively involved in the movement for Church Reform. My involvement began with a meeting to consider setting up an association for priests whose purpose was to give priests a voice in church and society, and to support them in the many challenges priests face today. The meeting was quickly followed with the founding of the Association of Catholic Priests In the autumn of 2010.

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