The Vow of Obedience

While on my tour in the United States before Christmas I was interviewed by a woman called Maureen Fielder, who has a very popular radio programme over there.

The interview, as it went on, focused a good bit on the vow of obedience, and how it relates to the individual conscience. I think it is a very good interview, and contains a clear statement of my belief in this area, and what has led me to the situation I am in today.

Appointing of Bishops

Today a new bishop has been appointed to the Diocese of Waterford.  He is a relatively unknown priest of Limerick diocese. Now that he has been appointed, all we can do is wish him well, and hope that he will provide good leadership for the people and priests of Waterford. I knew him reasonably well during my later years in Limerick, when he was a newly ordained priest. All I will say is that if I was choosing a priest from Limerick diocese to follow the lead being given by Pope Francis, he would not be at the top of my list.

Launch of Angela Hanley’s Book: Whose A La Carte Menu?

This afternoon in Athlone I had the honour of launching Angela Hanley’s new book, “Whose A La Carte Menu?”  A very large crowd gathered, including people who travelled long distances. I saw Kathleen McDonnell there of the Killaloe Women,  Brian Darcy down from Dungannon, Joe Kavanagh from the Dominicans in Kilkenny, and a good many of the people involved in the reform movement in Dublin.

I was happy to recommend Angela’s book very strongly.  

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