Talk in Friarsgate Theatre, Kilmallock; Wed. Nov. 18th

On Wednesday evening, November 18th, I am giving a talk at the Friarsgate Theatre, Kilmallock, on the theme:
Pope Francis: real change or just good public relations.
It is at 8.00pm.
I have followed Francis very closely since he became pope, and I have been very impressed by him. But it is also increasingly obvious that there is a great deal of opposition to the things he is trying to do with the Church, and especially with the Vatican.

A Sample of the International Response to our Letter on Equality in the Church

Thank you for what you and the other eleven are doing. It looks perfect to me in terms of the approach and the timing (after what has happened or not happened in the synod).
It is a huge gift to the church in Ireland, I am sure, and a huge gift to the church worldwide, for women, for men, and for the future of all those growing up. (Boston)
……and at the heart of my desire for a just and equal world where people are able to enjoy ‘life… to the fullest’ are the teachings of Jesus and the Blessed Saints.

Statement from Twelve Priests on Womens Equality in Church

Priests call for open discussion on the need for equality of Women in all aspects of Church life, including Ministry.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3, 28)

In the Catholic Church women, despite being equal to men by virtue of their Baptism, are excluded from all positions of decision making, and from ordained ministry.

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