The Election and the Curia; two topical reflections

I grew up in a household where politics was regularly discussed, so I am still very interested in the subject, even if, as a priest, I have had to stay out of any active involvement. I am keeping a close eye on the present election campaign, even to the extent of watching the whole of both leaders debates so far, and even the analysis programmes that followed them. That must classify me as an ‘anorak’!

Interesting: with thanks to Padraig McCarthy

There’s an interesting article about a book review by Adrian Hardiman, in the Irish Times today on page 8.

It’s at

His review is in the Dublin Review of Books at

His review is of Love, Paul Gambaccini, by Paul Gambaccini, who recounts his experiences at the rough end of Operation Yewtree in UK, an investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse.

There are many things in Hardiman’s review which kept ringing bells in relation to the Murphy Report.

And I had hopes for the Year of Mercy!! How naive of Me!

Bread and circuses during the Year of Mercy? No, grazie!
Robert Mickens

The man Pope Francis put in charge of coordinating events for the Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy — Archbishop Rino Fisichella — has announced that the fledgling Jubilee of Mercy is already off to a roaring success.
The archbishop, whose day job is heading the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, told journalists at a press conference on Jan.

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