Posts by: Tony Flannery

My Reflections on the AGM of the Association of Catholic Priests

The Association of Catholic Priests held their AGM on Tuesday last, 7th November in Athlone. These are some reflection on the event.

The new, younger leadership of the ACP was very impressive. Tim, Roy and Gerry have really taken up the reins, and are moving things forward very effectively. That was obvious from the first half of the meeting, which contained reports of the year’s activities.
We heard about the series of eight meetings held with priests around the country, in which the participants spoke openly about the reality of life as a priest for them today.

A Correspondent sent me the following email.

Dear Tony,
Recently I came into possession of my local parish news letter.  I was astonished to see a long paragraph promoting the practice of seeking indulgences. The piece was worded like a legal document, outlining conditions and qualifications needed to get hold of one of these. I had thought that such doctrines were a relic of the past – but obviously not !
While I was interested to read your recent post about the meeting in Birmingham I can’t escape the conclusion that such well meaning movements are doomed to failure and are not going to change anything in Catholicism.

Is Benedict orchestrating the opposition to Francis?

This is a strange, and extremely interesting, time in the Catholic Church. Two things I have been reading about recently have caught my attention in particular.

Both have in their separate ways to do with the opposition to Pope Francis, which has been building up in recent times. I have lived through most of my adult life during the time when popes were traditional and conservative, and when there was  a concerted effort to row back on the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.

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