Posts by: Tony Flannery

The Nativity Story

This time of the year, within a few weeks of Christmas, I reflect again on the dilemma facing the Church.

The Christmas story, of the child being born in a stable, the angels singing, the wise men arriving with their gifts, and then the flight into Egypt to avoid the slaughter of the innocence by Herod, has an extraordinary appeal. And of course an enormous commercial reality has been built up around it over the years.

Tony Flannery

Will give two talks in the Community Centre, Newport, in December.

Thursday, December 5th. 7.00pm

Science and our Image of God

Thursday, December 12th. 7.00pm

A new look at the Christmas Story

Admission free; All welcome

Life changes; we must move on

For somebody of my generation, I think I got into social media fairly quickly. Not all aspects of social media, mainly just one, Twitter. I loved Twitter from the beginning, and found it enormously useful.

Two aspects in particular: It gave me access to a whole range of news and comment. I got links to good articles in media outlets like the National Catholic Reporter, La Croix, and many others. I learned through it what was happening in the various Church Reform movements around the world.

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