Posts by: Tony Flannery

Brief review of From the Outside

This from a priest a good few years older than myself. Lovely.

I have just finished reading “From the outside”. What a hurricane!! A hurricane that left nothing standing in its path.  “From the outside” is not for the faint hearted.  I thought he let the Irish Church off lightly just by saying the Irish Bishops were arrogant. They were more than arrogant. They were intolerant, bad-tempered and, because of their superiority complex, destroyed people’s careers.

Review of my book, From the Outside

This is a review of my latest book, From the Outside, and of some of my earlier works, by Eamon Maher.

It is published in the March/April issue of the Dominican publication, Spirituality.

From the Inside to the Margins: Tracing a Priest’s Fall from Grace


I first met Tony Flannery in 1976 when I was a student in Cistercian College Roscrea. The Redemptorists came to give us a retreat which I reckon they may have found somewhat challenging – former Taoiseach Brian Cowen was in my class and he was one of many who prided themselves on raising thorny issues of a theological or moral nature!

How the media dealt with the Tuam Mother and Babies story

I was in the U.S. on my speaking tourwhen the story of the Tuam Babies, and the discovery of hundred of remains in a septic tank broke. Everywhere I went I was being questioned about it, people wondering how nuns could be so cruel and uncaring.

Since a cousin of my own was reputed to have been ‘dumped’ in that septic tank, it wasn’t a subject that I welcomed on my travels.

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