Posts by: Tony Flannery

A really interesting report from thr Elphin Diocese synodal process

April 2022
Synod LGBT+ Focus Group Feedback Diocese of Elphin
Organisers: David Carroll and Ursula Halligan Facilitator and Report Editor: Ursula Halligan
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Table of Contents:
Introduction. 3.
Key Themes. 4. Theme 1. Damage caused to LGBT+ people by the Catholic Church. 4.
• Synthesis of Theme 1. 6. Theme 2. Rejection and hurt caused to LGBT+ people of faith by the
institutional Catholic Church. 8. • Synthesis of Theme 2.

Articles by Jim Good from the early seventies.

These are two remarkable articles by Jim Good, published in Hibernia in the early nineteen seventies. They perfectly illustrate how he was a man well ahead of his time, and full of courage, without fear.

The reproduction isn’t great, but if you can manage to read them, it is well worth the effort.

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