Posts by: Tony Flannery

Percy French Summer School, Castlecoote House, Roscommon

My next speaking engagement is at the Percy French Summer School in Castlecoote House. Castlecoote House is a beautiful old house about five miles from Roscommon town.
I am speaking on Thursday, July 10th, at 12.15pm, on the subject: “The Holy Spirit speaks through women also”.
Since this is a summer school, it is a ticket affair, and people need to book in advance.
If you wish to attend you will need to get in touch with the owner of the house, and organiser of the summer school, Kevin Finnerty.

International Network of Reform Movements

For the past nine months or so I have been part of an international network of reform movements, lay and clerical. We had a gathering last October in Bregenz, Austria, and since then a group of seven of us take part in regular skype conferences. In April of next year the next gathering will take place here in Ireland. Currently we have members from the United States, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Australia and Ireland.

New Irish Catechism

So the Irish Bishops have brought out a new Catechism for the Irish Church. Why did they decide to do this? Did they think there was a need for it? Or was there a demand for it? I doubt it.
From what I hear of this catechism, it is in many ways a reversion to the past. Issues like the condemnation of artificial contraception, and same gender sexual expressions of love are there in similar type of blunt language that I thought might have been put behind us.

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