Posts by: Tony Flannery

Jack McClure suspended from ministry by Cordileone

So, Jack McClure, one of my fellow panelist at the WOW conference – the only one still in ministry- has now been forbidden to minister in the diocese where he lived and worked, San Francisco. This edict has come from the bishop there, Cordileone. Archbishop Cordileone is certainly not in tune with the message of Pope Francis, so this development, though immensely regrettable, is not a surprise.
The last speaker at our conference was Sr.

Ordination ideas have changed over time

This article shows how lacking the CDF people were in their initial objections to my writings!!

The talk was given at the WOW conference last Saturday


When Gary Macy stepped behind the podium at the WOW conference here Saturday he asked why it was there are so few references to women priests in centuries long gone by.

Then he answered his own question, saying, “quite frankly, priests just were not that important for the first millennium of Christianity.”

Theresa Kane’s message to Pope Francis

Pope Francis, although your formal titles are Holy Father and Supreme Pontiff, I take this sacred opportunity to greet you as a brother, a friend, a collaborator in our service to and with God and with others.

I have no doubt your many years in Argentina engaged with the many economically poor people has been a powerful source of strength and grace. Those experiences prepared you to be noted for our deep pastoral spirit, your desire for collegiality and your vision that all of us in the Catholic community are called to be holy — to be saints!

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