
A U.S. priest writes to his bishop

(A colleague sent this on to me; it is encouraging to hear that there are voices like this in the U.S. Church)

Most Rev. Daniel Thomas

Diocese of Toledo

1933 Spielbusch Avenue

Toledo, OH 43604

February 7, 2025

Dear Bishop Thomas,

I write to you today, in one sense, because I know of no perfect place to present my concerns, and you are the chief shepherd of our Church in northwest Ohio, a fellow laborer in the Lord’s vineyard, and a man who engenders my respect and loyalty.

episcopalian reply to Trump

[The Episcopalian Church responded to Trump’s apology demand from the Bishop on X. It’s quite the masterpiece.]

President Trump,

1. Much like those who do not want you to be president, you do not get to decide whether a bishop’s office is legitimate. She was chosen by the people of her diocese to be their bishop. Then, she was granted consent to be a bishop by other bishops and standing committees of our church’s dioceses.

Trump and the Episcopalian Bishop

I watched Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Washington Episcopal Church speak at the ceremony on the morning after Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the U.S. She addressed him directly, speaking on behalf of the poor and underprivileged in her city. She did not in any way deviate from the fundamentals of the Christian Gospel. She spoke in a gentle, respectful voice. I was immensely impressed by her. 

This morning I read that Trump has demanded an apology, and used the words ‘nasty’, ‘hate’ and ‘boring’ in reference to her. 

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