
From The Irish Times, March 8th: by Patsy McGarry

Following a dark night of the soul, Fr Tony Flannery is back on the road again, moving towards the light

The outspoken priest is giving a series of talks on ‘ways forward’ for the Cathol

Fr Tony Flannery is in a much better place these days. He’s back in the family home. Back in the east Galway townland where it all began 67 years ago. The only place to be in times of trouble, in an hour of darkness.He’s

How can we balance Justice for both Abused and Clerical Abuser?

I see I have drawn the ire of certain spokespersons for the victims of clerical sexual abuse by the report on the ACP website of our meeting with the NBSCCC.  (The report can be found in its category on the ACP website)  I was trying to highlight an issue that I regard as needing some open discussion in this whole sorry saga of clerical child sexual abuse.  Priests who, having come out of the seminary with the emotional and sexual maturity of a teenager, due to the terribly restrictive nature of the recruitment and training, got involved in some form of relationship with a teenage girl.

Quotes from Evangelii Gaudium: Pope Francis

These are some of the quotes from Chapter One of Evangelii Gaudium which inspire me and give me hope for the future of the Church.

Spreading the Gospel is an essential part of being a follower of Christ. But it must be presented, not as an imposition, but as a source of joy. The Church has to accept the unruly freedom of the Word.

An evangelizing community knows that the Lord has taken the initiative, he has loved us first, and therefore we can move forward, boldly take the initiative, go out to others, seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the outcast.

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