
Edinburgh and the CDF


The news, as reported by the current Tablet (

of the behaviour of the CDF towards the Edinburgh Newman Circle makes for depressing and confusing reading.

In summary, the CDF responded to an anonymous complaint after a lecture given by Joe Fitzgerald, accusing him of challenging Church teaching on Original Sin. They made no contact with Joe, or with anyone who could give them a proper account of the lecture or of the book that Fitzpatrick has written outlining his views on the subject.

Rebellion in the Vatican?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that all is not peaceful and happy in the upper echelons of the Vatican, and that the upcoming Synod on the Family is bringing things to a head. It is ironic that the conflict has centred around who should and should not go to Communion, considering that Jesus in his time caused great scandal by eating with ‘tax collectors and sinners’.

Two books are coming out in early October arguing vehemently that people who are divorced and remarried, or are in second relationships, should not be allowed to receive the Eucharist.  

The Elephant in the Church; A Woman’s Tract for our Times. Mary T. Malone

On Wednesday evening of this week I attended the launch of Mary T. Malone’s new book, The Elephant in the Church.
It was a special evening. A large crowd gathered in Marianella for the launch, which was done by Geena Menzies.
Mary T. is a wonderful speaker, clear, precise and highly entertaining. The book charts the history of what she calls ‘woman Christianity’. Her thesis is that almost from the beginning Christianity has been written and designed by men, for men, and with men in charge.

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